(435) 885-3355 info@troutcreekflies.com

The Fly Shop

Trout Creek Flies is proud to be the premier fly shop for both the Green River and for Flaming Gorge Reservoir, we are here to provide you with most anything you could possibly need for your adventure.

We carry a variety of brands your convenience and our staff are passionate about providing unmatched knowledge and service – regardless of your skill level or whether or not you’ll be utilizing our guide services.

The Shop

We’re committed to doing everything we can to help you make the most of your Green River and Flaming Gorge experience.

Come pick our brains while we set you up with the gear you need for your trip, the right rig, and the right techniques for an incredible day of fishing. Our success is made by your success!

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(435) 885-3355

Green River Fishing Report
June 16, 2024 
Flows: 900 cfs daily-2,100 cfs evening 

Temps: 49-52 F 

Nymphing has been good on all sections of river, but the dry fly fishing has been inconsistent. We are just starting to see PMD’s, Yellow sallies, and caddis, so the dry fly fishing will improve as these hatches get stronger. We are also seeing both species of cicadas on different parts of the river, as well as mormon crickets about half way down the B section. Streamer fishing has been productive when conditions are conducive. 
Go-to flies:
White and gray midge pupa. (sz. 18-22) Gray and olive scuds. (sz. 16-22) Pink and peach eggs. Red and brown aquatic worms. PMD nymphs, cripples, and duns. (sz. 14-16) Yellow sally nymphs and adults. (sz. 12-14) Caddis pupa and adults, olive. (sz. 16-18) Cicadas-black and orange (sz.6) and black and yellow (sz. 10-12) Mormon crickets (sz.4-6) 

Brandon Feller

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1155 Little Hole Rd, Dutch John, UT 84023




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